An Entrepreneur's Checklist for Starting a Business at Home
Once you have an idea and a passion, starting a business can feel like a whirlwind. While it might feel like you have to dive in...

How to Start a Limited Liability Company (LLC)
When choosing a small business structure, many owners go for a limited liability company (LLC) because of the protection from liabilities...

4 Tips for Starting a Business in an Economic Downturn
COVID-19 has forced millions of companies to reassess their business models, but what about the businesses that are still just ideas in...

Finding a home based franchise for sale is great way to make extra income in the comforts of your own home. If you're looking for...

Eight Obstacles To Watch For In The Early Stages Of A Business
Starting a new business is always a whirlwind venture. There’s so much to do that organization and communication quickly become critical...

When is it Time to Change your Company Logo Design?
Logos are of the most important defining feature of a company. An aesthetically pleasing and memorable logo can have a lasting and...

5 things you need to know about social selling as a startup
Traditional marketing techniques are failing—or failing to deliver the predictable benefits they once did. The only viable way that a...

Here are 9 logo design trends that you need to know about in 2018
A logo is not only the face of a business, but also a symbol of the era in which it was created. Recognizing logo design trends is an...

If you want to build and maintain a strong brand, you'll need to focus on what your customers want and how you can guarantee to deliver...

Delivering a tight brand message is paramount to running a business, right? (Duh) But what is your brand message? This question was...